Fåglar på gren

Idag har jag varit på Pysselhäxornas pyssel träff och fyndade på vår loppis. Jag hittade en fin stämpel med fåglar på en gren och var bara tvungen att köpa den. Under kvällens bloggrunda hittade jag en ny rolig utmaningsblogg, "Less is More". Utmaningen som pågår just nu är att skapa ett kort med bara ett lager och med tema vingar.

Today I have been on Pysselhäxornas craft meeting and bargains at our garage sale. I found a nice stamp with birds on a branch and just had to buy it. During the evening blog round I found a new fun challenge blog, "Less is More". The challenge going on right now is to create a card with just one layer and themed wings.

Ikväll var det första gången som jag provade på att göra en distressruta. Det ska vara första gången för allt någon gång och jag blev riktigt nöjd med resultatet. Jag kommer definitivt att göra fler distressrutor. 

Tonight was the first time I tried to make a distressing square. It'll be a first for everything at some point and I was really happy with the result. I will definitely make more distressing squares.


  1. This is terrific, I love your blue background and I'm sure you'll do this technique again.
    Personally, I like to see branches like this extending to the edge of the frame, as otherwise it appears to be floating in mid-air!
    This is just an observation... your card looks fab!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. For et herlig kort! Nydelig blåfarge du har brukt som bakgrunn for dette flotte fuglemotovet!

  3. I love the inked background and the bird image is very pretty!

  4. Hola Malin, great embossing, and these birds are just gorgeous, well done.Beautiful card.
    Hugs from Palma de Mallorca

  5. otroligt snygg stämpel :) kortet blev jätte fint

  6. Terrific card Malin
    Im one for ending the branch, or similar image somewhere, or off the edge too
    But great stuff!

    Thank you very much
    mandi LIM

  7. A very lovely card! Simple and beautiful.

  8. Hi Malin. Your birds on the branch are just fab and lovely sunny blue sky. x

  9. A beautiful CAS card and perfect for the challenge.

    Karen x

  10. Such a lovely card, beautiful shade of blue :)

  11. a beautiful card, love the little birds on the branch and the pretty blue background you have created.
    hugs, annie x


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