Då har jag gjort det igen! Ja, ett te- och ljuskort, alltså! Jag gillar dessa kort och det är fin hälsning att skicka någon. Återigen blev det ett kort i höstens tecken...Jag deltar i Simply Magnolias utmaning anything goes.
Inuti kortet ser det ut så här...
I did it again! A tea light cards. I like these cards and it's nice greeting to send someone. Again there was a card in the autumn signs ... I participate in the Simply Magnolia challenge anything goes. On the front of the card it says "for the autumn cozy moments."
Inuti kortet ser det ut så här...
I did it again! A tea light cards. I like these cards and it's nice greeting to send someone. Again there was a card in the autumn signs ... I participate in the Simply Magnolia challenge anything goes. On the front of the card it says "for the autumn cozy moments."
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