
Igår påbörjade jag ett studentkort, som jag idag har gjort färdigt. Jag har använt Mimo student från Bildmålarna och den här gången har jag skapat efter en skiss.

Med det här kortet deltar jag i följande utmaningar:

Bearly-Mine Challenges: #85 Sketch time
Whimsy Stamps Challenge Blog: #59 Anything goes
Crafty Creations Challenges: #221 Something old, something new (my old is an Nellie Snellen die, and my   
                                            new is my rubberstamps and paper)
Creative Card Crew: #35 Bling
The Cutie Pie Challenge: #43 Lots of layers


  1. Wow, this is fabulous Malin, love the unusual paper background and cute image.xx

  2. This is again a Topper Malin, very beautiful!

  3. What a gorgeous image and beautiful colours.

    Thank you for joining us at Bearly Mine Designs.

    Hugs Julie xx

  4. Beautiful card! Love the flowers and of course the bling!
    Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Card Crew!
    ~ Crystal (DT)

  5. Lovely image and backing paper great card. Thanks you for joining us at Creative Card Crew on our bling challenge. Hugs Tania xx (DT)

  6. Great design and coloring. Love all the shades of blue. Thanks for joining us this week at Crafty Creations! I hope you get to join us again real soon.

  7. Beautiful work. I just love your image and the colour combinations. Thanks for joining our challenge at Creative Card Crew.
    Big Hug, Yvonne

  8. Wonderful Card. Thanks for joining us at Bearly Mine, Good luck and hope you will join us again.

  9. So cute !

    Thanks for joining us at Whimsy Stamps for this months challenge x


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